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Oswego Baseball & Softball Association

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The Oswego Baseball & Softball Association (OBSA), like many other similar organizations across the country, have adopted a Code Of Conduct that parents, players, and coaches with managers, must conform with for proper sportsmanship to occur within the OBSA.

Starting immediately, OBSA will be mandating that every player, parent, coach and manager follow the guidelines below.


No exceptions or concessions to this Code of Conduct will be permitted.




Oswego Baseball & Softball Association (OBSA), a 501 (c) (3) non-profit organization affiliated with PONY (Protect Our Nation's Youth) Baseball/Softball, Inc., has adopted a Code of Conduct. Parents, Players, Spectators, Coaches, and Managers are expected to abide by these guidelines and the rules set forth by annually by OBSA to ensure proper sportsmanship within OBSA sponsored programs. OBSA mandates that every Parent, Player, Spectator, Coach, and Manager follow the guidelines below:


I. Purpose


The purpose of the Code of Conduct is to ensure the goal of the OBSA Bylaws Article III, Section 1: Promote citizenship and the ideals of good sportsmanship, teamwork, self-reliance and self-discipline, in order that the participants may be finer, stronger and happier young adults. No exception or concessions to this Code of Conduct will be permitted.


II. Appointments


Managers and coaches are selected by the League Vice President and Commissioners with the approval of the Oswego Baseball & Softball Association Executive Board (the Board). Such selection is conditioned upon the Manager adhering to all rules and policies of OBSA. Managers are responsible for the conduct of parents, players, spectators, and coaches, of his/her team. A Manager or coach's selection may be suspended or revoked by the Board for violation of rules or policies.


III. Conduct


OBSA rules and policies apply to all parents, players, spectators, coaches, and managers as outlined in Official Baseball Rules: (The Sporting News) Edition, PONY Baseball rules, and any published OBSA rule variants for such competition, including the rules of conduct of members. A Manager is accountable and responsible for the behavior of his team and its spectators. Examples of prohibited conduct are listed below (these examples are not intended to be all-inclusive):


A.     Profanity

B.     Violence

C.     Any display of bad sportsmanship

D.     Threatening the umpire in any manner

E.      Arguing with umpires. Judgment calls are not subject to discussion or comment. Balls and strikes, safe or out, and fair or foul.

F.      Making calls prior to the umpire or attempting to influence the umpire's calls.

G.     Allowing or encouraging uniform violations.

H.     Throwing equipment of any kind.

I.        Refusing to talk to a spectator on behalf of the umpire.

J.       Any conduct deemed by the Executive Board, as "detrimental" to the organization.


IV. Waiver


No section, in whole or in part, of these rules may be waived for a Board member unless a quorum for the entire Board approves the waiver by a simple majority.


V. Infractions


Any infraction or alleged infractions of the Code of Conduct should be reported immediately to the Director of Umpires, VP of the Division, or the Executive President of the Board. Regardless of the disposition of the infraction, whether or not it occurred at a game, the Executive President of the Board shall be notified immediately by the Division/OBSA Official receiving the report. Infractions will either be major or minor depending on the frequency and severity during the game(s). The Executive President will:


A.     For a Major Infraction:

a. Call an emergency meeting of the Board to discuss and vote on a response to the infraction. A vote may be taken may be taken and will be binding without a quorum of the Board, subject to final approval by a quorum of the Board. The quorum may reverse the emergency meeting's vote but reversal will not be retroactive.

b. If time permits, present the problem at the next regularly scheduled meeting of the Board for resolution. Normal rules apply.

c. Penalties must be imposed by the Board as follows, if it makes a finding of a Major Infraction, and may be in addition to any penalty imposed at the  game(s).  Minimum penalties must be assessed by the Board unless waived per III above.

d. Maximum penalties are recommendations only. Depending on the severity and/or frequency of the infraction(s), the Board may at its sole discretion, by simple majority vote, impose a greater penalty up to and including suspension or removal from the Division. Penalties will be assessed on the Manager, Coach, Player or Spectator.

e.       Penalties:

i.  1st  -- 

Minimum: Written Warning and copies to Board and opposing manager.

Maximum: One game suspension and copies to Board and opposing manager.

ii.  2nd  --

Minimum: Verbal Warning, Board advised at next scheduled Board meeting.

Maximum: One game suspension and copies to Board and opposing manager.

iii.  3rd  –

Minimum: Two game suspension and copies to Board and opposing manager.

Maximum: Season suspension and copies to Board and opposing manager.


B.     For a Minor Infraction:

a.     Any response listed in Section V, A., above.

b.     Determine a resolution at his or her sole discretion. Such resolution must be reported and opened for discussion at the next regularly scheduled Board meeting.

c. Penalties must be imposed by the Board as follows, if it makes a finding of a Minor Infraction, and may be in addition to any penalty imposed at the game(s). The Board must assess minimum penalties unless waived per Section III above.

d.    Maximum penalties are recommendations only. Depending on the severity and/or frequency of the infraction(s), the Board may at its sole discretion, by  simple majority vote, impose a greater penalty up to and including suspension or removal from the league. Penalties will be assessed on the Manager, Coach, Player or Spectator.

e. Penalties:
i. 1st --

Minimum: Verbal Warning, Board advised at next scheduled Board meeting.

Maximum: Written warning and copies to Board and opposing manager.

  ii. 2nd  --

Minimum: Verbal Warning, Board advised at next scheduled Board meeting.

Maximum: One game suspension and copies to Board and opposing manager.

  iii.   3rd –

Minimum: Written Warning and copies to Board and opposing manager.

Maximum: One game suspension and copies to Board and opposing manager.

  iv.   N/A Treated as a Major Infraction. See Major Infraction section.


VII. Compliance


All parents, players, spectators, coaches, and managers are expected to comply with the outcome of any disciplinary action rendered by the Board. A team whose parents, players, spectators, coaches, or managers ignores a suspension penalty imposed by an umpire or the Board will forfeit each game the offender ignores the suspension.


Approved 11/17/2009


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