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Oswego Baseball & Softball Association


Oswego Baseball & Softball Association

Duties of the Board of Directors

 The following describes the general duties and responsibilities of each Board Member. Any given Board Member, atthe request of the President, may perform special duties.

Executive President

 1.     Presides over league meetings and assumes full responsibility for the day-to-day operations of OBSA.

2.     Receives all mail, supplies and communications from PONY Baseball, Inc.

3.     Ensures all league personnel are briefed on all rules, regulations and policies of PONY Baseball, Inc., and OBSA.

4.     Represents OBSA in all league matters.

5.     Performs such duties and assignments that customarily pertain to the office.

6.     Assumes the duties of any Board Member in that member’s absence.

7.     Assists with player registration and evaluations.

8.     May countersign checks with the Treasurer.

Executive Vice-President

1.     Presides over league meetings and performs other presidential duties in the absence of the President.

2.     Serves as the presidential aide, and carries out such duties and assignments as the President may direct.

3.     Serves as an ex officio member of all committees.

4.     Obtains field permits.

5.     Chairs the Disciplinary Action Committee (DAC).

6.     Coordinates the purchases and deliveries of trophies and pins.

7.     Performs all league-wide criminal background checks.

8.     Assists with player registration and evaluations.

9.     Serves as the organization’s safety manager.


Executive Secretary

1.     Records and maintains minutes of all meetings in great detail for members to review upon request. The President and Vice-President must approve minutes within 48 hours of each board meeting.

2.     Issues notice of regular and special meetings.

3.     Sends out correspondence concerning OBSA matters.

4.     Prepares a calendar of all OBSA events and activities.

5.     Assists with player registration and evaluations.

6.     Oversees all registration processes and assists parents as needed.

7.     Coordinates all advertising.

8.     Sends general communications as directed by the President.

9.     Performs additional duties as assigned by the President.



1.     Maintains all OBSA financial records, prepares budgets, and submits financial reports at each board meeting. All financial records will be available to current league members upon written request and board approval.

2.     Collects, deposits, and disburses OBSA funds and is the primary signatory on all checks. Maintains all bank records and reconciles all bank accounts monthly to the bank statements, within ten (10) days of receipt.

3.     Assists in receiving all mail, supplies and communications from PONY Baseball, Inc.

4.     Ensures all federal and state tax returns are filed on time each year.

5.     Sends a roster of the Board of Directors to the Secretary of State, upon completion of the annual election.

6.     Processes insurance claims and yearly renewals.

7.     Assists with player registration and evaluations, including the tracking of all deposits and receipts.

8.     Performs additional duties as assigned by the President.


V.P. of Baseball

1.     Makes preparations for try-outs, and conducts the annual player draft.

2.     Maintains team rosters for each team in all baseball divisions throughout the season.

3.     Represents baseball managers, coaches and individual players in all OBSA matters.

4.     Presides over manager and coaches meetings.

5.     Organizes the All-Star selection, certifications, and verifications of eligibility for all baseball divisions.

6.     Coordinates annual All-Star games for all applicable baseball divisions.

7.     Implements draft procedures.

8.     Assists with player registration and evaluations.

9.     Maintains records of all equipment dispersals and require managers to sign for all equipment issued and returned.

10.  Prepares annual PONY Baseball budget with the Treasurer and President.

11.  Performs all additional duties as assigned by the President.


V.P. of Softball

1.     Makes preparations for try-outs, and conducts the annual player draft.

2.     Maintains team rosters for each team in all softball divisions throughout the season.

3.     Represents softball managers, coaches and individual players in all OBSA matters.

4.     Presides over manager and coaches meetings.

5.     Organizes the All-Star selection, certifications, and verifications of eligibility for all softball divisions.

6.     Coordinates annual All-Star games for all applicable softball divisions.

7.     Implements draft procedures.

8.     Assists with player registration and evaluations.

9.     Maintains records of all equipment dispersals and require managers to sign for all equipment issued and returned.

10.  Prepares annual PONY Softball budget with the Treasurer and President.

11.  Performs all additional duties as assigned by the President.


V.P. of Travel Baseball

1.     Oversees and is responsible for all Travel Baseball Operations.

2.     Provides regular reports to the Board of Directors.

3.     Chairs the Travel Baseball Manager’s Selection committee and presents the slate of Travel Managers to the Board of Directors for approval.

4.     Plans and oversees annual try-outs along with the Director of Coaching and Player Development.

5.     Assigns the number of teams per age group with the pre-approval of the OBSA Board of Directors.

6.     Chairs the Travel Baseball Budget committee, assisting in the development and approval of the Travel Baseball Budget.

7.     Oversees all Travel Baseball Team Budgets with the assistance of the Treasurer of Travel Baseball.

8.     Handles all communication with the Kane County Bronco League.

9.     Chairs the Travel Baseball Equipment and Uniform Selection committee.

10.  Ensures that the Travel Baseball Guidelines are adhered to at all times.

11.  Performs all additional duties as assigned by the President.


Director of Scheduling

1.     Prepares all practice, pre-season, and regular season playing schedules for all divisions.

2.     Acts as the league historian. Ensures historical records are passed on to each Board of Directors.

3.     Maintains the league website with the assistance of the Board of Directors.

4.     Maintains league email accounts and distributes emails accordingly to all Board Members.

5.     Assigns team pages during the Spring/Fall seasons.

6.     Posts team standings for all divisions.

7.     Posts meeting minutes after any scheduled meetings.

8.     Ensures currency of domain registration/website hosting services.

9.     Performs all additional duties as assigned by the President.


Director of Field Maintenance

1.     Purchases and maintains all field maintenance equipment. All purchases must be approved by the President and in accordance with the budget.

2.     Ensures all teams are adequately and safely equipped.

3.     Ensures all fields are adequately and safely equipped.

4.     Prepares a Field Maintenance Budget for presentation and approval of the Board of Directors.

5.     Arranges for the return and storage of all league owned umpire gear during the off-season.

6.     Submits inventory reports to the Board of Directors pre-season and post-season.

7.     Performs all additional duties as assigned by the President.


Director of Umpiring

1.     Enlists paid and volunteer umpires.

2.     Assures that umpires are present for all games, and evaluated their progress and performance during the season.

3.     Prepares and submits a budget to the Board.

4.     Organizes an Umpire Clinic for managers, coaches and prospective umpires.

5.     Establish umpire participation requirements, with Board approval.

6.     Chairs the Rules committee.

7.     Publishes new rulebooks and distributes to all managers, coaches and Board Members.

8.     Performs all additional duties as assigned by the President.


Director of Organizational Fundraising

1.     Maintains a complete roster of all league sponsors.

2.     Coordinates OBSA fundraising activities.

3.     Coordinates and organizes the taking and distribution of OBSA team pictures.

4.     Distributes sponsor plaques.

5.     Assists with player registration.

6.     Prepares and distributes all OBSA literature as needed.

7.     Coordinates all local and national press releases, including advertising for player registration.

8.     Coordinates all activities in which OBSA is represented.

9.     Coordinates printing and distributions of all league banners.

10.  Performs all additional duties as assigned by the President.


Director of Coaching and Player Development

1.     Organizes and coordinates procedures for managers and coaches, including recruitment, training and replacement.

2.     Organizes and coordinates all OBSA sponsored clinics, including Coaches and Managers clinics, Player Development clinics, First Aid clinics, guest clinicians.

3.     Implements and promotes the OBSA training way.

4.     Performs all additional duties as assigned by the President.

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